Friday, July 29, 2011

what is with the thunder people?

BAHHH this whole apartment thing is starting to rub me up the wrong way. I cant sleep. I'm sick of doing dishes. I'm sick of cleaning. I'm sick of my friends always wanting to hang out. I will say there are some good parts like cooking what ever I want WHEN ever I want. So, thats pretty fab... I've got some more pics I just got my kitchen table and Ian and I made dinner too! So that was fun! OH and I got my tv and internet up and going so Im totally back in action! Enjoy my pictures!

SO the THUNDER thats been going on for the past two nights is rediculous..... like I cant sleep. and Im a heavy sleeper so you know its bad. The worst part for me is waking up in the middle of the night and not having anyone else around. It freaks me out. Ugh. I guess this was to be expected right? Oh and the blinds situation is still going on, I have these blinds that are a foot too short for the window and its really annyoing and one of these days it better get fixed or Im going to call and complain to the owner because it's really getting anoying to shove pillows infront of the windows. GRRR.. that is all. XXX Avery

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So the paint in the apartment has been a huge controversy, because "duke" won't paint the whole thing. mean i have to buy paint..... but what he did paint he didn't do right!!!! The bathroom was supposed to be a lovely light light light teal blue. very pretty and matches everything I have perfectly! and this is what I end up with LIME GREEN! are you kidding me?!?!?!?! ugh so I marched down to the front office and apparently the painters are morons because they don't know the difference between green and blue. yea... that's a big difference. so today they are re-painting the bathroom. absolutely ridiculous! now the rest of the walls should be a veryyy pretty grey to go with my yellow and grey themed dining room and kitchen and living room and 2 bedrooms. NOPE! this is the color I picked butttt.... it looks purple :( I might still work once I have everything up and decorated but omg.... its horrible. On the plus side Ian and Jessica came over last night so sit on my porch and talk! It was so cute. Jessica got her hair done, she usually has dark brown hair and now its like a blonde brown.... she looks hot. aka we can no longer be friends!!! But never the less it was an interesting day yesterday! :) more pics tomorrow! promise!

xxx Aves

Oh a joke.... ha ha ha!

A wife asks her husband "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk and if they have eggs, get six.
A short time later the husband comes back with six cartons of milk.
The wife asks him "Why the heck did you buy six cartons of milk?"
He replied, "They had eggs."

Ha ha ha... thanks for the joke

Monday, July 11, 2011

mah mah mah mahonday

SO the weekend is over which means its time for an UPDATE ON LIFE (UOL) first things first. My first apartment.... SO this whole process started way back in Fabuary (yea i ment to say FABuary!) the apartment is right down the road from my parents which is nice because I'm so scared to sleep by myself, but im guessing that'll be the worst part. I have all the furniture and its being painted a lovely grey tone as I type. My color scheme is yellow, grey, white, and black. FABULOUS!! It'll be just like out of a home and garden magizine! But this apartment hasnt come to me easily! I have been going back and forth with 'Duke' about paint, move in dates, cost, flooring, floor level. and FINALLY on friday I signed the lease. :) So I have keys! 4 of them. Now the problem is getting all the necessities like a vacuum. But I did get a very nice air filter so I can sleep and breathe :) I need noise to sleep and I need clean air to breathe properly! Next is the food, since at my house we are extream couponers we have a lot of the cleaning supplies and snacky things stored up so thats good but I need the necessities like ya know popcorn #popcornaddict and pop and poptarts. POP! Oh for those of you who dont know I am a twitter bug :) its MissAveryDior so follow me!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Its Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!

Above are some of my fabulous cupcakes! I hand dyed the frosting :) fun!

Hmm... it's almost the weekend and I'm so excited because its 4th of July weekend and I'm going to Ian's cottage with him! We're leaving tonight at 3, so i HAVE to leave work by 2 so I can get home finish the packing I was too tired to do last night and then drive all the way to Clarksville to meet Ian.... he's driving!! Wooo So that means I'll get to sleep :)

Whats everyone else doing this weekend?

Hope everyone has a fab weekend :) Let's hope I don't get any more tube burns! :p

I'll update you on the drama when I get home, because I'm sure there will be plenty to share!

XXX Avery